Have you put your postgraduate plans on pause?

In this time of uncertainty, it’s only natural to feel as though you need to put your future plans on pause. The postgraduate team, here at the University of Bristol, want you to know that we are still on hand to help you progress to postgraduate study in 2020.

Our work hasn’t been put on hold, and your future needn’t be put on hold either.

We’re just about getting the hang of working from home: we’ve mastered the video meetings and are settling in to the new ways of working. While children and pets might be making our working days slightly louder, we’re still available to answer any questions you have and can assure you that if you want to begin your postgraduate journey with us, we’ll be here to help you do just that.

Firstly, we’d like to invite you to some new live chat events that we’re really excited about! You can access the live chats from wherever you are in the world, and they’re a great way to ask us your questions about postgraduate study at Bristol.

The live chats are being hosted by the Arts and Social Sciences and Law faculties, and each day will see a different school within the faculty taking part. Chat to our experts, academics and current students to find out all you need to know about our master’s programmes.

Arts week live chats, 27 to 30 April

Social Sciences and Law week live chats, 4 to 7 May

To get the most out of these events, it might be useful to come prepared with a couple of questions. You’ll also be able to see the answers that the team make live throughout the chat, so you could even learn about something you hadn’t thought of yourself!

Later on in the year, we’ll also be hosting another set of virtual events with more of our faculties. Register your interest to be notified when further details are available.

If you want to crack on with your application now, go ahead! Our application process is hosted online, and there is guidance and advice on our website. If you need to ask us anything, our enquiries team can still be contacted on choosebristol-pg@bristol.ac.uk, or on +44 (0) 117 394 1649.

During these strange and unsettling times, the postgraduate team are working just as closely together as we always have done, despite being scattered around the city and surrounding area. Get in touch with us whenever you need to, keep working towards your goals, and stay safe.

With best wishes,

The Postgraduate Team


2 thoughts on “Have you put your postgraduate plans on pause?

  1. Thank very much for making us alive, I really like the way your are committed to work and I still really wish to study at the university of Bristol this year.

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